Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sweet Potatoes & the Simple Joys

So I'm on day one of my new eating regime for life. And I've been SOOOOO good! It's only 1200 calories and let's face it. I can easily eat 1200 calories in one, make it one snack! I've only cheated once...I had one pretzel. Yes, uno. I'm now eating dinner - grilled chicken (with salt), steamed broccoli and part of a steamed sweet potato. It does taste pretty good. I'm savoring each bite. :) And guess what?!? Later tonight I get to eat 1/2 of a Midnight Milky Way. It's all about balance and portion sizes. :)

In other news, I went to an audition tonight for "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" which will be playing at the Sundance Summer Theater. I sang the first part of "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood." I'm so glad they are doing shows in Sundance during the summer again! I went to a concert there once and it was such a gorgeous environment. A little on the cold side though...okay a LOT on the cold side. Mental not go into the mountains (even during the summer/early fall) unprepared!! Otherwise you'll have to curl up in 1/4 of the blanket you are sitting on while still maintaining distance from the gentleman you are with, lest you give the wrong impression. :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting Fit

Tomorrow is day one of my new eating/working out way of life program. I have my food all packaged and ready to go for work and I only have to work out three times this first week. Although part of that will be running for 15 minutes straight...oh help! It may be a VERY slow run. :) But I get 100 calories at the end of each day to reward myself. That's like 5 peanut M & M's or 1/5 of a pop tart or one bite of a Great Wall of Chocolate from PF Chang's. The possibilities are endless!

My personal trainer said that how well I stick to the meal plan and work out schedule early on will impact my overall success. So here goes to 21 days of sticking to it and not cheating! Will some willpower my way, will ya?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Potential Shrine Photos

I noticed a startling trend in my parent's home last Christmas. All of the kids in my family have multiple photos in my parent's house...except for me. I think it's a hazard of being single and in your late twenties. The younger kids, the sister on a mission, and the three marrieds all have photos up - and the grandchild...well, suffice it to say she's represented. My Mother offered to put more photos up of me...a shrine if you will to her lovely daughter Erica. I have a few photos that I think might be good candidates (see below). Let me know what you think.

**Okay, so I might be exaggerating and I do have equal representation at home... :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boys With Initiative

This post is dedicated to all those boys out there who take initiative in asking out girls. You are my heroes! Today I got a surprise call from a guy at church who I had chatted with at the opening social a few weeks ago. He asked if I wanted to go for a drive to enjoy the fall leaves. We took a drive up the Alpine Loop and went to Cascade Springs. It was so amazingly gorgeous. Now is the time to go check out the leaves!! I had a great time with the boy, **b, and it felt really comfortable and great. **b is 1 1/2 years younger than me...not sure if that will be an issue for him or not, but I was just stoked to be asked out on a date!

Another guy who showed initiative was Mr. Vanilla Ice (see photo in prior post...he's cuter without the wig :) ). He came over and sat down by me during the dance at the Mid-Singles Conference and stayed by my side the rest of the night, he invited me to the after party (where he again stayed by my side for 2 hours), he stayed by my side during church, dinner, and the fireside, and he even called me that night (after the conference) and asked me to stay another day in California so we could hang out...pretty dreamy!! Let's hear it for the boys!

Vanilla Ice and the Gang

Last weekend I attended a Mid-Singles Conference in the Bay Area of California. It was a great excuse to take a vacation and see my grandparents and a college friend. I had a wonderful time! Driving wasn't too terrible (thank you GPS) and I didn't hit very bad traffic. Also, the place where I stayed in Santa Cruz was totally beautiful and fun...and also on the beach! Great views, but not very good waves. Mental note - do not plan on boogie boarding in Santa will just be disappointed!!

They had a dance Saturday night and did this whole red carpet event where some people dressed up like stars (i.e. Vanilla Ice, Cher, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Hulk Hogan, Bjork with her fowl dress, etc.) and there were multiple photographers who took photos of everyone. They then posted the pictures online. It was really a fun idea. Here's a shot of me, my friend Brittany, some other people at the conference and some of the stars!

Vanilla Ice actually came and talked to me that night. We hung out for the rest of that night and also at the after party from 1:30 am - 3:30 am. More on that later!

I'm Baaaaaaaaack!

Well, after a five month hiatus I'm officially back. It's the season premier of my blog, if you will! :) I recently took a trip to California (more on that later) and a friend of mine mentioned that she liked to keep up with other people's blogs to see what is happening in their life. I too enjoy reading my friend's blogs to see what's going on in their life, so I thought maybe I should update my blog in case any one was wondering what I've been up to. Stay tuned to see what I've been up to!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009